Sunday, June 13, 2010

Recent Acquisitions 003: Wizard World Philly '10

I had planned to write a lot more of these Recent Acquisitions columns, considering that one of my favorite past-times is buying things. Unfortunately, the only times I really think to post one are when I buy a lot of books and things simultaneously. In other words, after comic conventions. I wrote up a list of everything I bought at last year's Wizard World Philly Con, so I figured I'd do the same this year. Again, there are no photos to accompany this list, because I don't feel like spending 5 hours putting together this post. However, the image at the top is a crappy camera phone pic of my copy of Eerie #97 that I took at the show. You can even see the text from my shirt reflected in the mylar sleeve.

Anyway, here's the list:

Art Adams' Creature Features - This trade reprints Adams' adaptation of The Creature From The Black Lagoon, which I already own, but it also reprints a Godzilla story that I've never read.

Bone: One Volume Edition TPB - This book collects the entire 1,300+ pages of Jeff Smith's Bone in it's original black and white for a shockingly low cover price of $39.95. That is already an incredible deal, which is why my jaw hit the floor when I found a copy for 50% off at the show. That's the entire series for $20! What's even more shocking is that, as the day went on, I must have found at least 20 copies of this book at various booths for the same price. When did Bone become a bargain bin item? Anyway, I've been trying to coax my mother into reading Bone for a long time now, and I figured that getting her her very own copy of the One Volume Edition would be the easiest way to make it happen. Honestly, I was tempted to buy every copy of this book that I found at the show just so I could distribute them to all of my friends who haven't read it. I still can't believe how cheap they were!

Astonishing X-Men Omnibus Hardcover - One of my favorite X-Men comics of all time was Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men run, so despite having all of the original issues of the series, I couldn't pass up the Omnibus hardcover (regularly priced at $75) when I found a copy for 1/2 price.

Danger Girl #6 (Maduriera variant) - I, of course, already have this comic. My original copy is in a sad state after years of re-reading it, so I decided to pick up a replacement copy for $2.

The Dirty Pair Book 3: A Plague Of Angels TPB - I already have the single issues of this series, but the trade was only $6, and in pretty good condition, so I went ahead and picked it up anyway.

Eerie Magazine #97 - This is a special issue which reprints a 3-part time travel story by Bruce Jones and Richard Corben that has always felt, to me, like a precursor to the pair's later Fantagor series Rip In Time (aka one of my all-time favorite Corben books). These stories were reprinted in the "Heavy Metal: The Best Of Richard Corben From Creepy And Eerie" hardcover some years ago, but the quality of the reprint was horrible because the scans they used in the book were from the actual pages of a copy of Eerie magazine, rather than the original artwork. I've been dying to read a decent quality copy of the story ever since I first laid eyes on that bastardized collected edition. The only thing that could make this issue better is if the cover were by Corben himself, rather than Val Mayerick (who obviously wants to be Corben in a big, bad way).

From The Desk Of Warren Ellis TPB - A collection of old articles and things that Warren wrote back in the early 2000's.

Graphic Classics: H.P. Lovecraft TPB - This book contains a comic book adaptation of Herbert West: Re-Animator, 5 pages of which were drawn by Richard Corben.

Green Arrow: Year One TPB - This is from the same creative team who gave us The Losers (Andy Diggle & Jock), which I quite enjoyed.

NECA Alien Action Figure - While it's true that, as a rule, I don't collect action figures any more, there are still certain ones that I need to have (just because). The film-accurate Ghostbuster figures from and any Alien-related figures tend to be the exceptions to the rule.

New X-Men: Riot At Xavier's TPB - My favorite arc of Grant Morrison's New X-Men run. I have the original issues, but I wanted a copy to keep on my book shelf for easy access.

Nextwave: Agents Of Hate TPB - This trade reprints the entire 12 issue Nextwave series in one volume. I already have all of the individual issues, but this is a series that I want to have at the ready on my bookshelf at all times.

Northlanders vol. 1 TPB - I read the first issue of this series when it was released, but wasn't terribly interested in the story. Regardless, the praise that other people keep showering upon it has convinced me to give the book a few more issues to prove itself.

Outlaw Nation TPB (Image) - This is a random Vertigo series that I always wanted to read, but which was never collected into trades because it was cancelled with issue 19. Somehow, Image Comics got the rights to the book and published this black and white collection of the entire series, leaving me with the perfect opportunity to finally give it a read.

The Punisher: Welcome Back Frank TPB - I read someone else's copy of this when I was in the Kubert School, but for some reason I never picked up a copy for myself before. It's not Steve Dillon's finest work, nor is it the best Punisher comic you're bound to read, but it's a fun story. I find it interesting that back when these issues originally came out, everyone lost their shit over how great they were. Then, around the time of the Thomas Jane Punisher movie, a backlash seemed to occur toward the book. I still remember it fondly, but I feel like I'm in the minority. Sure, Punisher is probably at his best when there's little to no comedy involved, but what's wrong with a story featuring The Russian every now and then?

The Punisher MAX vol. 1 - 10 & From First To Last TPBs - As with Welcome Back Frank, I borrowed the first 2 or 3 volumes of this series from someone at the Kubert School, but never kept up with it after that for some reason. I found volumes 2 and 4 in a 50% off box at the first booth I hit at the show today, after which it became my goal to find every volume before leaving the con. I did just that, picking up a copy of volume 9 to complete the set just before walking out the door to head home. Not only did I get all 11 books (which would normally cost $175), but I managed to get them all for 50% off, meaning that the entire series only cost me $88. I consider that a win.

Strangers In Paradise vol. 2 Pocket Book - I've only read the first volume of Terry Moore's epic-length self-published series, which is something that I hope to rectify someday soon. I now own the first 2 volumes (of 6).

For anyone interested, here's a link to my acquisitions from last year's show.

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